Erosion-accretion and sedimentology of Aotea Harbour, including erosion at Pourewa Point
1. Identification information
Data Collection Date
Aotea Harbour has experienced erosion since 1854 and has affected the settlement at Pourewa Point. Bathymetric charts, aerial photographs, sedimentological studies and hydraulic evidence are used to examine the processes controlling erosion and predict erosion and accretion trends in the future.
Chapters of this thesis cover:
Catchment geology and hydrology
Erosional history of Aotea Harbour
Surficial sediments
Harbour hydrodynamics
Study Types
- Scientific Study
- Coastal Hazards
- Coastal Development and Public Spaces
- Aerial photography
- Sediments
- Shoreline Change
- Bathymetry
- Consents and Structures
2. Contact information
Commissioning Agencies
- University of Waikato
Contact Organisations
- University of Waikato
3. Spatial information
Geographic Coverage
Aotea Harbour
Grid Coordinates
Aotea Harbour – 2671819, 6354235, NZMG, 1:60000, AREA
NameAotea HarbourNZMG Easting2671816NZMG Northing6354238LocationAotea HarbourWest Coast
4. Data acquisition information
Collection Date
Frequency of collection:
One off study
5. Data quality information
Known Limitations
The estimated rate of shoaling within the entrance can only be approximate, and the rate of accretion of the spit could not be estimated in this study. The study suggests that to obtain a better estimate of the rate of shoaling, and spit formation, the entrance be resurveyed suing the bench-marks estimated for this study and the results compared to the bathymetry.
Gaps in collection:
Not reported
Data quality:
Not reported
Attribute accuracy:
Not reported
The study highlights that the determination of the average wave and the wave climate off Aotea Harbour would be useful. This would enable the estimation of littoral drift along the coast which, coupled with a knowledge of the bathymetry outside the harbour, would enable the sediment flux of the west coast sediments to be determined.
6. Distribution information
report, photographs, Thesis
Thesis available in University of Waikato Library
No confidentiality.
7. Status information
Data Status
8. Metadata information
General Notes
Related Links
- Willet, R.N. 1982: Erosion-accretion and sedimentology of Aotea Harbour, with reference to the erosion at Pourewa Point. M.Sc thesis. Earth Sciences, Waikato University, Hamilton.
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