Waikato Coastal Database

Wind Data - Historical

1. Identification information

Data Collection Date
Ministry of Works and Development Auckland Office file 12/243. Volume 1, 1950 onwards. This file refers to the “Rabone Report” on sand and shingle resources of the Auckland and Coromandel areas. File discusses problems of coastal stability at Omaha Beach. Cause was thought to be excessive sand dredging. One group claimed a change in climate was the cause of the erosion. An investigation of the long term wind characteristics of Mechanics Bay, Auckland was carried out in 1961. Purpose: Review of wind data (1961) to investigate link with coastal erosion.
Wind charts are in the file. General findings were that winds had generally decreased over the last 20 years but the winds from the east and north-east had increased. Results were summarised as: (a) A drop in winds over 13 knots since 1855 and an increase in winds from the northeast 3-27 knots over the last 20 years. (b) Slight increase in frequency of easterly winds 3-27 knots over last 20 years. Also an increase in easterly winds from 28-49 knots in the last 20 years with the frequency in 1959 and 60 the highest for the 20 year period. (c) Winds from SE, S, SW, W and NW showed a gradual reduction in frequency, especially in the 28-40 knot velocities. (d) Prevailing winds were south-west and west and predominantly 3-27 knots, while prevailing winds over 27 knots were from the east and north-east. Wind scales used were: Over 40 knots, 28-40 knots, 14-27 knots, 3-13 knots and calm less than 3 knots. A 1961 report suggested wind erosion from the east and north-east was having an effect on all east coast beaches. Notes in the file refer to a storm 30 June to 5 July 1963. Auckland file 12/210 on Sea protection is mentioned in 1963.
Study Types
  • Scientific Study
  • Coastal Hazards

2. Contact information

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Contact Organisations

3. Spatial information

Geographic Coverage
Grid Coordinates
  • Name
    NZMG Easting
    NZMG Northing
    Unknown or Outside Limits
    Unknown or Outside Limits

4. Data acquisition information

Collection Date

5. Data quality information

Known Limitations

6. Distribution information


7. Status information

Data Status

8. Metadata information

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